1. to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.
I am reminded of how key it is to persevere when you are doing something worthwhile. You may know that my family and I started on a journey about three years ago to make our first faith based feature film. After my wife and daughter finished the screenplay, we stepped out on faith and filmed a trailer concept of the movie called “True You”. After getting the team in place and having some friends and family make donations, we completed the filming of True You in September 2014. Now in post-production we are being persistent in spite of many difficulties, because we believe this is a worthwhile project.
There are at least four things that help me and may help you to persevere:
Focus on the purpose of the project
Remember what you have control of and what you don’t
Be confident that it WILL work out in time and
Keep doing what you can do!
The following is a sneak peak of True You edited by JoAnna McPhail, "Earl's Missed Call"
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